Category Archives: Uncategorized

Super Power

What’s that button from Cheap Joe’s? “My Super Power is Painting”. My friend and exceptionally talented artist Wendy Sullivan gave me one after her last trip to “Art in the Carolina’s. Like most folks with Super Powers, I enjoy using mine for good. (Though sometimes I use it to get “evil” thoughts out of me). My latest volunteer effort is below. These butterflies are created for the “Pink Ribbon Soiree” here in Jacksonville in October. These are Summer, Spring, Autumn, and Winter (counter clockwise). I’m working on a black and white that will be tuxedo like.

Working in Series

A few years ago a number coincidences came together to spur me to work in series. I don’t do it all the time, of course. The gist of the idea was that working in series can be beneficial in working out kinks related to a technique or and idea. The series below came about because I decided I wanted to make better use of my treasured natural objects. Why just let them sit in baskets around the house. I mean, I hardly even looked at them in there. And why not SHARE them.


Art & Epiphanies

The Art Guild of Orange Park’s Bella Notte event went quite well. I’m happy to say that not only did I add to my art collection, I also sold a piece. A long time ago, I decided that I was never going to become a famous artist, not even locally reknown. When that epiphany came so did another one.

I decided that my purpose in life would be to support artists in what ever way I can. Sometimes that has meant volunteering for arts organizations. Sometimes it means purchasing their art. Some times it means being a friend. All of which is easy to do with the wonderful and talented artists in my community

The Visions are Back!

After inadvertently losing my .com site, I’ve finally gotten it back. Sadly, I lost all my data from my temporary .net site, so I’m starting from scratch. That’s probably a good thing. I desperately needed to spruce the site up anyway. I’m excited to shared with you some of my latest work. These are all mono prints, made from printing found objects. That’s everything from bubble wrap, to shoe soles and beyond. I had literally HUNDREDS of objects I had collected over the years. This summer I invited several artist friends into my studio to experiment. They helped me whittle my collection down, by determining which bits worked and which didn’t.